
Gender Safety Disparity: Women’s Ongoing Struggle

It is peculiar how the concept of “safety” can vary significantly based on one’s gender and the associated risks they perceive. Men often fear theft or physical harm when venturing out late, while women face the constant threat of sexual violence like rape. Despite the remarkable technological advancements of the 21st century, such as sending rockets to the moon, society still grapples with deeply rooted issues like gender-based violence and inequality.This juxtaposition highlights the paradox of progress in certain domains while facing persistent challenges in addressing social issues and ensuring the safety and well-being of all individuals. whenever we tune into news channels, cases like this pop up.In just 2022, India recorded over 31,000 reported rape cases as per the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), equating to about 85 rapes daily. While all rapes are condemnable, only a few spark public outrage, leaving most unnoticed.

We cannot deny women have made progress so far even though many acts are coming into existence to protect women. However, women’s safety is still a major issue in our society. In urban areas, women have rights but they do not feel safe. They have to think twice while stepping out from home at night.However, situations in rural areas are worse. In rural areas, people still turn their backs on the birth of a girl child. Many girl children are subjected to foeticide and infanticide. If they somehow survive, the burden of dowry prevents them from living peacefully.

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